Jumat, 27 November 2015


Various Scientific Facts Research Experts
Regarding the Efficacy of Jelly Gamat Gold G

The results of the University in Malaysia for 8 years showed that Jelly Gamat Gold-G can accelerate the healing of wounds, both external wounds and internal injuries, blood circulation, prevents clogging cholesterol in the blood vessel, launched kidney function, increase metabolic rate. Besides being able to regenerate cells, sea cucumbers are also rich in nutrients. "Most active compounds such as antioxidants, good for the improvement of human cells, including useful for the recovery of the affected gastric injury due to inflammation.

According to nutritionist Walter Yee Mun Kee, On the island of Langkawi, Malaysia, sea cucumbers are famous as a cure for aching joints due to gout. Nutritionist Walter Mun Yee Kee Wisconsin University alumnus said trepang containing chondroitin sulfate and glucosamine. Kondritin sulfate acts restore joint disease. While glycosaminoglycans are substances antithrombogenik facilitating the circulation of blood to clot. In people with gout, the amount of glucosamine and kondritin bit.
Research Dr Mittchell Kurk of Biomedical Revitalization Center, New York, USA, demonstrated efficacious sea cucumbers improve the physical health for 70% of patients with arthritis due to gout. This is due to glucosamine stimulates the body to secrete synovial fluid for lubrication of joints. According to Dr. Zen Djaja MD, a doctor in Malang, East Java, animal family members Holothuriidae fatty acid 12-MTA alias metthyltetradecanoic acid. (Poster, Friday, October 10, 2008 07:14:12)

Regarding sea cucumbers are potent cholesterol levels evidenced by Hsi-Hsien Liu. Researcher National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan, was researching the effects of fat reduction alias hypolipidemic because glycosaminoglycan compound. The compounds contained in Metriatyla scabra sea cucumber. Sea cucumber glycosaminoglycan GAGs alias acidic heksosamin and heksuronat. Subsequent experiments conducted on mice winstar weighs 5 g, 10 g, 15 g and 20 g. The mice were given 1% cholesterol for 6 weeks so that the total cholesterol, LDL, and increased liver weight. (Poster, Friday, February 1st, 2008 15:44:25)
Prof. Associate DR. Hassan Yaacob and a team from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia for 7 years has been conducting research on the efficacy of the extract gamat. Research is continuing in cooperation with Kyoto University and Nihon University, Tokyo. Gamat has proven many health benefits. The discovery was patented in the FDA with No. FKY2102

Yacob Hassan pursued research is the first to reveal the efficacy gamat / sea cucumbers in Malaysia. The researchers revealed 11 amino acids in sea cucumbers: myristic, palmitic, palmitoleic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, arakhsidat, eicosapentaenat, behenic, erucic, and docosahexaenat. That fatty acids that accelerate wound healing outside and inside.
Then the results of research in various universities around the world, found that the golden sea cucumbers are very efficacious as multi drug efficacy and traditional antiseptic. These studies proved that the sea cucumber / gamat contain "Cell Growth Factor" (cell regeneration factor) that stimulates the regeneration / recovery of cells and body tissue that has been damaged / sick even rot, so be healthy / recovered. The easy example is the case of diabetes mellitus. Besides drinking, Sea Cucumber is also applied to the wounds that had rotted, even almost amputated. Apparently, "Cell Growth Factor" able to work well so that wounds heal quickly.

According Dr.Ir.M. Ahkam Subroto, M.App.Sc., Bioteknolog LIPI researcher, higher protein content in the sea cucumber which reached 82%, whether given to patients with diabetes mellitus. High protein plays regenerate pancreatic beta cells that produce insulin. As a result, insulin production increases. (Poster 441, August 2006, page 109).

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